Saturday, February 7, 2015

STEP ONE: CHOOSE (To Have the Power to Choose, Putting Alternatives to War into Action)

Help me with this, people.

How can all of us -- as widely distributed as we are -- put social media to work really effectively in our peace efforts?

It seems to me that, to do so, we need to tap into what's really contagious about social media. And do so in relation to peace efforts.

What have you seen and heard?
I'm intrigued by the work being done by the World Beyond War campaign -- a campaign that asserts that there are alternatives to war, and that we do have the power to choose those alternatives.

I wonder . . . what would it look like . . . if we could use social media to underline the concrete ways each of us is, in fact, choosing alternatives to war? And expressed interest in how others are choosing, too? (Including by sharing and spreading what we find valuable?)

I'm sure each of us knows how to use social media to make ourselves heard.

Do we know how to use social media to listen?

. . .

(comments please)

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Related links

Per the comment from Jim Barton (below), Pamela Boyce Simms prioritizes, "[a]dopting a mindset that is a listening mindset." ("Pamela Boyce Simms on convening faith groups" on What does "adopting a mindset that is a listening mindset" look like on social media?

Related posts

I believe an enormous number of people will conclude that, if they really believe "we can choose to abolish war," then what's required is to speak it.

(See "We can choose to abolish war" (The rest is just details) )

What I'm feeling particularly energized about is the potential for the thousands of people who have already signed on as supporters of World Beyond War -- as well as millions more who are expected to do so soon -- to become active participants in spreading this good news.

(See News Worth Spreading: "There IS An Alternative to War!" )

The present confrontation between "the West" (i.e. the US/NATO military alliance) and Russia over Ukraine is a case in point that illustrates what the thousands of people who have committed themselves to the World Beyond War movement are committed to.

(See There ARE Alternatives to War (A Personal Commitment to the World Beyond War Initiative) )

What if we died to the idea that we solve problems with force? Can we see new life on the other side of that kind of dying? It seems like a worthwhile question this Easter.

 (See New Life? The Prospect of a World Beyond War (and the questions we have to ask) )

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