Friday, February 24, 2012


This blog post was inspired by my high school friend who always comes at me like an attack dog every time I post something remotely political on Facebook -- in other words, pretty much every day. (He knows who he is.)

Most recently, in response to my post about the need to stand up against the suppression of the Occupy movement, he posted this message: "I think Boston decided to cap the expense to taxpayers at $3 Mil.." And as I thought about it, it occurred to me, "Well, if we're putting a price tag on things . . . what's the value of having people stand up to change what's wrong?"

Dissent is Patriotic

And I thought about those commercials -- you know the ones -- where some string of ordinary purchases are capped with the word "priceless," such as:
Flowers: $35
Lunch: $47.50
Carriage ride around Central Park: $25
Finding out the magic is still there like the day you first met: Priceless
(I know, gag me . . . . )

So let's talk about something really important. How about:
Posterboard and markers: $21.79
Leaflets: $7:50
Bullhorn: $99.99
Standing up for peace and justice when everyone around you is saying "Get a job!" and "GO F**K YOURSELF!": Priceless

I sure hope "Priceless" hasn't already been copyrighted to the point where it's off limits to the movement.

On second thought, who cares?


Image: Jeff Ball art

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(See Limbering Up for May )

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