As part of the information campaign, "The Response" was broadcast twice on the Kuwait network Al Rai, and Al Rai followed up with a 90-minute interview segment including attorneys and members of the team that made "The Response."

The next day -- just hours ago -- a crowd estimated at between 1,000 and 1,500 gathered in front of the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait City. They called on Barack Obama to keep his promise to close Guantanamo, and demanded that the U.S. government to free Fayiz al Kandari and the other Kuwaiti detainee.
Below are additional images from that protest.

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(See Seven Little Words in Kuwait )
I believe Easter is God's gift to humanity of victory over death, hopelessness and frailty, and I believe that God is alive and in our midst. The witness of the Guantanamo lawyers has confirmed me in those beliefs.
(See Easter Victory: The Guantanamo Lawyers )

(See Understanding What Guantanamo Means)
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