People from across the country will converge on Washington, D.C., to protest U.S. detention policies and its abandonment of due process. Actions will take place locally in Chicago and many, many other cities.
Between now and then, we'll be getting the message out:
#gitmoFAIL! #humanrights #justice ((#Guantanamo 1.11.12 )) from@MidwestAntiwar |
Because Gitmo represents all the ways the U.S. government commits human rights violations and commits war crimes with impunity.
#gitmoFAIL! #islamophobia ((#guantanamo 1.11.12 )) from @TheResponseFilm |
Because Gitmo stands for the cynical exploitation of islamophobia to pit us against each other.
#gitmoFAIL! #jan11 #2711 is the # of people still detained without charge or fair trial at #bagram and #guantanamo from @worldcantwait |
Because Gitmo symbolizes all the failures of the current administration.
Because ....
Join us!
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(See Arts and Media 2010 Responses to #Guantanamo )

(See New World Counterinsurgency: Deja Vu All Over Again)
Read about the #AfghanistanTuesday campaign - in which people made time every week to remember what's happening in Afghanistan and push for change.
(See Making an Impact on #AfghanistanTuesday)
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