Friday, October 21, 2011

ANTIWAR: Spread the Word

How can we get more people spreading the antiwar message?

Not "how can we get more people to agree that we need to stop these wars" but how do we get more people actively spreading the antiwar message?

One of the things I realized as the #AfghanistanTuesday conversations have progressed, is that everyone needs to be spreading message. Not only that: everyone needs to be spreading the message that everyone needs to be spreading the message!

In other words, the antiwar message needs to be recursive. Only if the message has a high reproduction rate can it go viral and effect real change.

I attempted to achieve this with the concept of the "Tuesdayista" - a person who participates in #AfghanistanTuesday and also gets others to understand the importance of participating (and getting others to understand ((and .... )) ).

But whatever the specific means used to get the message to go viral, we must focus on spreading it! It's all about transmission . . . .

Remember: no one expects you to end war all by yourself; your job is to spread the idea of ending war -- more precisely by "spreading the idea of spreading the idea" of ending war. Everybody can do that!

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Tuesdayistas are people who (a) take time each week to participate in a national (and now global) conversation about ending the war in Afghanistan; AND (b) help spread the word by reaching out to others (who will reach out to others (who will reach out to others .... to do the same!

(See I'm a Tuesdayista!)

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(See Afghanistan: Where is the Church?)

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